Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Twitter Delivery

So, Deepak Chopra and I were trying to figure out how the tweets are delivered. What is the logic?
  1. I follow you: Your tweets comes on my timeline.
  2. I follow you, you follow me: Your tweets come on my timeline and mine comes on your timeline.
That's simple. But it is not just the two of us in Twitter.

So here's another try.
  1. I follow you, you follow me, but you don't follow my follower or those following me: Your tweets comes on my timeline. Mine comes on yours. But my tweet to my follower/following whom you don't follow doesn't come on your timeline.
  2. I follow you, you follow me and also my follower/following: Your tweets come on my timeline, mine comes on yours. Additionally, my replies to my follower also comes on your timeline.
  3. I follow you, you follow me, but I don't follow your follower/following: Your tweets come on my timeline, mine comes on yours. But your reply replies to your follower whom I don't follow doesn't comes on my timeline but will come on your public timeline.
  4. I don't follow one, you also don't follow one: When I tweet to that one, it comes on your timeline. (I don't know how that works)
  5. But wait. If I follow one and you don't but I put that person's Twitter id  behind my tweet it comes. But if I reply to the person, it doesn't. Can't figure out why?
Please note many experiments were conducted by Deepak Chopra and myself using TweetDeck to figure out how the logic behind Tweet Delivery. Must say we still haven't figured out.

Blimey, I tried to review what I wrote and I felt that I have done a better job than Cho Ramaswamy.


Sheetal said...

My first reaction to point five was, I dont quite follow..!
I noticed your nod to Tweet Deck here too. They have a fan for life in you, dont they? :)

Fun post.

Sriganesh said...

Hey Sheetal,

Honestly, Deepak and I tried so many combinations that even we got confused as to how things work. Might have been verbal (writtern) diahorrea caused by extensive research on the delivery mecahnism. :)

But yes, TweetDeck is God's gift to Tweeples! Without a doubt.

Isn't it a quite a coincidence that I was reading your post on Prince of Pop http://charcoal-in-the-rough.blogspot.com/2010/04/prince-of-pop.html#comments, just now!